The Top 8 Most Costly Home Plumbing Myths

Everyone knows it. It's "conventional wisdom," passed down from generation to generation. It can be applied to everything, but unfortunately it is often too simple or wrong.

Plumbing wisdom is not different from other areas. There are many myths. Use lemon juice to clean your drains. Use the garbage disposal to run water. Are you looking for good ideas? Let's find out!

Myth #1: It's a good idea to put lemons in your disposal to make it smell fresh

Don't throw away lemons that come your way. Although you might be able to create a more pleasant aroma for a short time, the citric acid in lemons will corrode the metal at your disposal.


Ice can be used to clean your disposal from the inside. It's a bit like using a rock tumbler to polish rocks. You can power wash out the scum that is causing the foul odor.

Myth #2: "In Tank Cleaners" Will Keep Your Toilet Shining and Smelling Like Roses

You can save money by not spending on cleaners that are marketed to simplify your chores and reduce the time spent cleaning your toilet.

These products can bleach the smelly buildup but they won't eliminate it. The buildup eventually can cause damage to your toilet.

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Vinegar can be used to clean the overflow tube. Vinegar can remove odorous buildup that could cause problems with the flow of your toilet. It is a fraction of what it costs.

Myth #3: Bad Products Have Lifetime Guarantees

If you buy cheaply and it breaks, don’t expect to be able to have it replaced with the most current and greatest product.

You are what you get. You'll also have to spend time and money on reinstalling it.


Avoid trading in junk for junk and buy high quality products the first time.

Myth #4: Garbage Disposal can be run while you are using water. This helps the waste travel smoothly

It seems like the perfect combination: let the water run and use the garbage disposal to clean the drain. We've all done it.

Unavoidably, we all have had to reach down to the drain to clear out any leftovers.

If the blockage is already in place, it won't be helpful to follow up with water.


So that waste can be separated and flows down the drain, fill the basin with water at a ratio of 4:1.

Myth #5 - As long as stuff is going down the drain, everything works correctly

Plumbing is a different world.

Even though you don't see it, foods like pasta and rice can bloat pipes, clogging the passageway for other waste.

If the water is not sufficient to rinse the waste down, it can build up and cause drainage problems.


Use sinks, toilets and showers properly to prevent blockages and clogging. Before draining, make sure you fill the basins with water. To reduce hairballs from showers, you can place a hairscreen in the drain.

Myth #6: Water Pressure Regulators are Always Dependable

Although water pressure regulators provide important information about water pressure, you shouldn't trust all that they tell you.


Personally check your water pressure. This can save you tons of time and money.

How can this be? How?

Myth #7: Bathroom fixtures can be cleaned with soap and water.

Wash your hands in the sink, then turn off the water supply to the faucet. No big deal, right? But it's wrong!

Faucets and fixtures can corrode from soap and water, causing them to peel and bubble.


After each use, wipe the fixtures clean. It takes a little longer, but this will prevent your fixtures corroding.

This will protect your products' lifetime warranties, which are null if soap has rotted the surface.

Myth #8 - Users manuals are only for people who don't know what they are doing

User manuals don't just contain fancy labels and lists of parts. They can also contain useful information.

They may not be the most enjoyable, but they can save you time and money in the long-term.


Please read the manual. Read the manual twice. The user manuals provide information about warranties and proper use that will extend the product's lifespan.


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